Sunday, November 14, 2010

A few randoms...

A trip to the batting cage! Derek showed me his skill!

Emma dancing on the counter...that girl is crazy!!

Some shots of Bella.....
In the laundry...

Eating handfuls of popcorn (thinking of Swankle)

Daddy likes to wrap her up...
De-stuffing a new toy...
Kill that toy Bella...
Yummy enchiladas for dinner one night!

Home Sweet Home....almost!

As I said before, Derek and I are in the process of buying our first home! We are closing this Monday, the 15th!!! We couldn't be more pleased with what we found and the family we're buying from. They are so sweet and are going out of their way to make this whole process smooth and enjoyable. I only have a few photos from the listing site, but no worries, there will be more to come once we move in!!

Trip to Charlotte

So, back in October, Derek and I decided to take a semi-impromptu trip down to Charlotte, not only to see his parents, but also to go a Panthers game. We had a great time with his family and an awesome time tailgaiting. Although it rained, there was still yummy food, great people, and some cornhole thrown in there for good measure. The game was a good one (we had great seats) but unfortunately, the Panthers lost. I did, however, get to see Ochocinco "up close" and personal!

Derek's time on the ship

Derek has been spending lots of time on the ship, working hard. He is becoming much more comfortable with his job and is making some good buddies. He has taken some trips on the ship, which is called "going underway", one of which took up almost the whole month of October. Not that I like having him gone, but I think it's a good way to build up to the looming 6 month deployment that will happen in January. Derek is currently putting in his 90 days of FSA (food service attendant) that the majority of enlisted guys have to do. Here are a few photos that I am allowed to post of where Derek has been spending much of his time, the USS Leyte Gulf.

It's been awhile (this one's for you Alicia!)

So it's obviously been way too long since I've updated!! Life has been so busy! Here's a brief list of what's been going on since September:

* Derek has taken a few trips out on the ship
* I have continued teaching 5th grade and also started tutoring after school
* We made a trip to Charlotte for a Panthers game
* I got to visit the ship two times! (very educational and eye-opening)
* I have started acting as Vice President for the ship's Family Readiness Group (FRG)
* My mom and sister have booked tickets to come out for Christmas
* Derek and I (mostly me, because he was gone) have started, worked through, and are getting ready to finish the home buying process!!

So, I will split up the next few posts by topic so that the photos are organized in some way, shape, or form.

We sure do miss all our friends and family and can't wait to get moved in to our new house so that everyone can come visit with us! We will have plenty of room!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here come the 5th graders!

Well, I have been through my week of new teacher training and a week of preplanning with my new colleagues. I will meet my new 5th graders for the first time on Tuesday! Technically I met a few at open house, but it was such a whirlwind of a night, I don't really remember the few that came very well. I am anxious for school to start and to get the first week under my belt and get into a routine.

Derek came home last weekend finally after being gone for most of August. We were expecting to spend 3 days together, but because of the hurrican and some other issues, he got to stay home for a whole week! It was awesome to spend so much time together. He is gone now for about a week, will be home for a few days, gone for a few more, and then home for almost 3 weeks. What a life we are's crazy, but makes us appreciate each other that much more!

While Derek was home we went to the beach one day, I introduced him to Jeff and Crystal and we all went to dinner at a Hibachi restaurant, and we spent a lot of quality time together. We are starting to look around at realators and loan officers. Planning to start the home buying process soon, as Derek will be gone on and off so often. Our plan is to close on a house sometime in December. I think we are going to make it work!

I made sure that Derek brought his camera with him off the ship so that I could take photos and post them here (since my camera bit the dust). Like a great husband, he did exactly what I asked. When I sat down to upload photos today, I realized that our usb cord is still on the ship. So...I won't be uploading any photos for another week.

My mom was in Virginia with her friends this past week and was planning to come down and visit for a few days with me. But, because of the hurricane, they decided to head home early. I can't blame them, but of course, the hurrican took a turn back out east and we only got a little wind and rain. Oh well...I will see them sometime soon!

Going to enjoy having Labor Day off to prepare an extra day for school. Hopefully will have some fun stories this week from the first few days!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

End of the summer...

This last week completely FLEW by!...which is good and bad in itself. Good because it means Derek will be home sooner, but bad because it means it's closer to getting started with school. I oficially start my new teacher training on Monday. That is every day this week M-Thurs. Then the teachers start back to school on August 30th. We have 5 days of preplanning/professional development. Then, the kids start back the Tuesday after Labor Day. It will be here before we know it!

My mom will be traveling to Virginia with some friends around Labor Day weekend. I will get to see them for a few days and will hopefully get to do some fun, touristy type things while they are here. It will be great to see her before school starts!

I've been able to email lots still with Derek and he even got the facebook chat to work today so we actually got to talk! (sort of) It was really great, but made me want to talk to him in person even more. That day will be here before I know it though!

He has been doing awesome things out on the ship! I don't know all of the terms and jargon, but basically he's been working his butt off getting all the qualifications he had to for this short trip and his supervisors are noticing his hard work. I'm sure that will pay off for him and for us as he continues to work his way up the food chain. I'm proud of him!

I've been continuing to go to the gym with Crystal and been running. We are thinking of signing up for a 5K race to give ourselves a goal. There is a cool one the first weekend of October that goes through Back Bay (a really pretty, scenic area). Of course I've been spending time with her awesome kids as well! Just love them!

I attended a meeting for the ships Family Readiness Group (FRG) this week. It is basically the families and spouses of the sailors. There are monthly meetings to discuss business and questions, but also social events for fun and to keep us busy while our boys are away. I got a ton of helpful information (which made me realize that I have more things to add to the to do list) and met some very fun and sweet people! There are a handful of girls around my age who are also newlyweds and new to the area, so it's going to be great to have them around!

I am very anxious to get started back to work. I am hoping to learn a lot of things about 5th grade here and all the different language arts programs that are used. I feel like I still have so much to figure out and learn. But I know, from experience, that it will all get figured out and I will do just fine!